Breastfeeding Services

Advice - Consultations - Preparation

Personal support

Zen Breastfeeding


Breastfeeding consultant.

I support women and families in resolving problems and questions related to this intimate and worrying period.

I want you to know that it is possible to fully enjoy motherhood and breastfeeding.

With the right information, you can prepare and take charge of your motherhood and fatherhood. Good support and preparation are essential to feeling powerful and capable.

There is no right or wrong way to do things, there is no judgment: each mother does what she can best according to her situation and I am here to accompany you on this magical journey what is motherhood.

I support mothers and couples through personalized breastfeeding advice. I organize breastfeeding support groups, workshops and provide maternity support.

Enjoying breastfeeding is possible

Have confidence in yourself and your ability to feed your baby: 95% of women have milk.
Enjoy breastfeeding without pain. Because if it hurts, there is something to check and change.

Because breastfeeding is a special bond between you and your baby. Difficulties sometimes arise, but they can be resolved with information and support.

Because it’s best for your child and for you. Breastfeeding protects against many diseases and is a lifelong benefit.

Individual Session

We will evaluate the latch, create your milk bank, do a session so that you can resolve all the doubts that prevent you from enjoying your breastfeeding.

Preparation for pregnancy

Even before becoming pregnant, preparing our body and mind for the arrival of the baby helps the mother to experience this moment in our lives more peacefully.

Baby & mom sleep training

Understanding how a baby’s brain develops during the first months of life is essential to understanding what is happening and being able to support babies and their mothers.

Breastfeeding preparation training

Just as we prepare for childbirth, preparation for breastfeeding is vital. Knowing the role of the father, learning to trust our instincts, knowing how to create our breastfeeding plan… There are many things to discuss and know to make the best decisions for you and your baby.

Food diversification training

When and how to introduce foods to minimize the risk of intolerances and allergies, giving our babies a good food education is a fundamental part of their development.

Sensory Stimulation Training

Sensory stimulation is a fundamental part of early care that is applied many times to promote the optimal development of our baby.